Wastewater Rates and Charges Calculator

Wastewater Rates and Charges Calculator

Estimate your monthly EBMUD wastewater bill by using the calculator below.

1. Public Agency
Are you a state agency, county office of Education, California State University, Public School District, Community College District or University of California facility?
  No    Yes
2. Residential customers, choose one of the following:
Single Family Residence

Non-residential customers, choose either Commercial or Permit Account

Commercial Account
Select your BCC:

NOTE: Each customer account is assigned a Business Classification Code (BCC) number. The BCC category and the typical strength of wastes discharged correspond to the business activity. Strength for each BCC category is determined by extensive sampling and laboratory testing.

Permit Account, based on specific wastewater strength information

CODF - Chemical Oxygen Demand - Filtered (in mg/L)
TSS - Total Suspended Solids (in mg/L)
3. Wastewater Discharge Volume
In order to calculate the monthly wastewater treatment charges, please give an estimate of your daily wastewater discharge volume. This volume can be determined from your most recent water bill. If you don't have this information, a default of 1,000 gallons per day will be used.

gallons per calendar day

gallons per calendar day - To convert the wastewater volume from gallons per work day to gallons per calendar day - GPCD = GPWD x working days/year รท 365 days/year
4. Sewage Collection Agency:
EBMUD collects city sewer charges on behalf of the cities of Berkeley, Emeryville and Oakland. Please select your city below. If your city is not listed, please select "not applicable".

Select your city

Note: The Cities of Alameda, Albany, Piedmont and the Stege Sanitary District that covers El Cerrito, Richmond annex and the Kensington area chose to collect their own Agency Fees. EBMUD is not able to calculate their fee.